Low light

Winter in Ireland can bring low light challenges and even though there is what we Irish like to call “a stretch in the evenings”, the grey, windy weather this week has given me plenty low light opportunities.

The first image is from near Doohooma on the west coast of Ireland, as hail showers made their way rapidly from the Atlantic.


Back at home the frogs have returned to the garden pond and as Storm Dudley calmed for a couple of hours this afternoon it was dry enough to get out and get some photos.

Common frog

And then this evening a beautiful moon. Thankfully my camera has a good IAuto function which sometimes works for me in these very low light conditions – needless to say there were some blurred images as well.


Many thanks to Sofia of Photographias for providing inspiration on this week’s Lens-artist challenge – Low Light.

15 thoughts on “Low light

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      They are still a bit shy, in the next few days when the mating frenzy really gets going it will be easier to get closer without them sinking into the water

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  1. Wind Kisses

    Love the one little splash of blue sky in the first photo. It make me realize the darkness brought by the incoming storm . The frog just seems to be curious about what you are doing. I love that capture. Donna

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tranature - quiet moments in nature

    I love the rays breaking through in your first image Karina and so lovely to see the frogs! Hope you are keeping safe and well during the storms 💜🙏

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