Monthly Archives: December 2020

The end of 2020

And so we reach the end of 2020. A challenging year on so many levels. Usually we try and get a beach walk in on the 31st December or the 1st of January. But knowing we were heading back into a new covid 19 level five lockdown today (our highest level lockdown here in Ireland), which includes a 5km travel restriction – we made the most of yesterday and went to Ross Beach.

A visit to the beach, no matter what time of year, brings cheer. The tide was out and the low winter light perfect.

I want to thank all those who have stopped by over the last year, particularly those that have taken time to comment. I know I haven’t been as good as other years in reading and commenting and I will try to do more in 2021. I do value this wordpress community, the support, inspiration and kindness you all offer.

I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year. I hope 2021 brings you some magic.

Happy Winter Solstice

Winter has finally come to it’s shortest day. From here things will start to get lighter.

I always find these dark winter days tough going but now with days of festive cheer ahead, I can see brightness ahead.

For a little while, let us forget all the uncertainty that lays before us. And enjoy this coming Holiday Season. The sun will rise tomorrow and for that I am grateful.