World Bee Day – 20th May 2020

Today is International World Bee Day. Those of you who read my blog regularly will know that one of my pasttimes is watching bees, recording them and planting food for them.

One of the best plants for bees is comfrey. It has a long flowering season which provides food throughout the spring and summer.

Blossom, such as apple or cherry blossom, is another great food source.

Herbs (e.g. sage, oregano, thyme) are also great for bees.

Vegetables often rely on bees for pollination, including runner beans, courgettes and many others. Allowing brassicas to flower can also provide food for bees.

Wild native flowers are also important for bees too. So having some in your garden is a great asset.

20 thoughts on “World Bee Day – 20th May 2020

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      Thank you. I am sure your lovely garden already has some good pollinator plants too😊


  1. Heyjude

    I too love watching and trying to photograph the bees. Some very tiny bumblebees in my garden at the moment all loving the Camassia flowers! Haven’t seen any honey bees yet though which is disturbing. Your bee photos are lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sue (Mac's Girl)

    Thank you for sharing these beautifully captured images. I’ll be sure to look out for comfrey the next time I visit the nursery. We have quite a lot of flowers that attract the bees but we can always squeeze in a few more. Many thanks for participating in the challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. dust4y

    Beautiful , beautiful, bees and lovely reminders of plants still to get for them. A day to celebrate them en masse and thanks for the link to info about the Day.

    Liked by 1 person


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