Six on Saturday – 18th April 2020

Another six on Saturday. Again the garden is a great haven during lock-down. No shortage of jobs to do.

1. So first I did some work on a very neglected flower bed. I have some plants that I over wintered in the greenhouse, like lupins, which I will pop in here over the next day or two.

2. Blackthorn flowering in the hedge. This was taken yesterday when we had some glorious sunshine.

3. Cherry blossom – it’s got a bit burnt with frost, but the bees are enjoying it.

4. Tulips – some new ones just about to open.

5. Another bee – this time the Common carder bee (bit blurred) on kale flowers. I always leave some of the ragged jack kale to flower as the bees always enjoy it.

6. Disturbed this little fellow while digging.

Thank you to The Propagator for hosting Six on Saturday.

10 thoughts on “Six on Saturday – 18th April 2020

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      Thank you Amy. Poor frog, I disturbed while clearing weeds but he was kind enough to hang around for photo (using phone)



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