Six on Saturday

So as we face into the world crises, and the surrealness of CORVID-19, I want try and keep this as normal as possible. So here is my Six on Saturday.

1. First of all, bad news for my garden. We discovered seven New Zealand flatworms yesterday. These flatworms are an invasive species and eat our native earthworms so not good to have them in the garden. This is the first time I have seen these in my garden and it is worrying. I have no idea where they came from, as they are in the bottom half of the garden where I only grow vegetables and keep our chickens. It is likely they are in other places and time will tell as I start doing more gardening. These ones were found under some black weed membrane that had been where I grew the pumpkins and squash last year. Thankfully the chickens, while initially a bit cautious, did eat them up. Mostly these guys get into gardens from potted plants bought elsewhere. I did buy a few things last year but nothing that got planted in this part of the garden. It is a worry but we will remain vigilant and feed whatever we find the chucks.

2. Something a bit more cheerful – daffodils.

3. And more daffodils – I don’t know variety but it is a pale yellow.

4. And some radishes germinating in the greenhouse.

5. Broad beans (with a little bit of slug damage!). I start these in the greenhouse too and will plant out when it dries up a bit and these are a bit bigger.

6. And finally crocus – these are some of my bargain buy a few weeks ago. At least one purple crocus:)

Thanks to The Propagator for hosting Six on Saturday

31 thoughts on “Six on Saturday

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      Yes Eliza, despite being a wildlife lover those flatworms are pretty gross. Thanks for Ice Follies name – it is a nice one.


  1. offtheedgegardening

    I love to see the first radishes germinating, there is something very comforting in the sight. The daffs are wonderful. I found a flatworm last year for the first time, I squished it (with guilt). I’ve since seen a couple but no more. Hope our worms are fighting back!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      Yes I am dreading what I might find once I start moving pots and digging in the veg patch. But fingers crossed they are restricted to one area – and that is where chucks are at the moment and they will hopefully continue to eat what ever they may find..

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Anne

    New Zealand flatworms are new to me – interestingly, the New Zealanders devote a lot of time, money and effort ridding their country of alien everything that it is strange to think something of ‘theirs’ is wreaking havoc elsewhere. Your daffodils are beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Susan K. Hagen

    I “sort of” remember seeing some similar flatworm in Alabama, so I did a search to find that the New Guinea Flatworm threatened to invade here five years ago. By now, I fear it has. Nasty.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. nanacathy2

    Gross flat worms, I’d never seen them before, hopefully if any showed up here the blackbirds would chow them. The daffs are glorious, and how exciting radishes and broad beans on their way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      Yes things are germinating and I am getting impatient. Those flatworms are in the UK too, but good you don’t have them in your garden:)


  5. Noelle

    I heard about the flatworms…but you are the first to show them. A warning to check incoming pots, but of course they may have come as eggs which would be unnoticeable. At least you have have your chickens at your side to assist despatch. Love chickens….

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Catherine

    Those worms look pretty disgusting. I hope you manage to get rid of them. Thanks for the lovely cheerful daffodils that followed, that made me feel a bit better. 😁 Your seeds are doing well.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. gaiainaction

    Gosh those flat worms don’t look appetizing at all, lucky your chickens don’t mind. It’s lovely to see all the bright flowers in your garden! I am so happy we are heading for sunnier weather. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. aj vosse

    Those flatworms are yuck!! But, thanks for the warning… fortunately I have not seen any!!
    I’m working in the garden so hopefully I will also soon be able to do one of these posts!!
    (Already planning the pumpkin patch… in preparation of our hollowen challenge!!😁😁)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      Glad you don’t have any. Happy gardening. Hopefully it will be a good year for growing🙂



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