World Bee Day

Today, Sunday 20th May, is World Bee Day. It is a day to celebrate our wonderful bees, but it is also a day to reflect on how bee populations continue to decline.

Carder bumblebee on apple blossom

Carder bumblebee on apple blossom

Bees recorded in the 2017 National Bee Monitoring Scheme showed their lowest numbers since 2012. A total population loss of just over 14% has been recorded between 2012-2017.

There are things we can all do to help bees. Here is just a few examples:

  • Join a bee monitoring scheme. These citizen science programmes are a great way to learn more about bees yourself,  but also contribute important information about the health of bee populations.
  • Plants some flowers! Ideally pollinator-friendly flowers. For example, cottage garden varieties (e.g. delphiniums), nasturtiums, herbs and heathers. It is also important to have flowers from early spring to the first frost to provide food throughout the season.
  • Don’t be too tidy. Leave areas of tall vegetation for nesting bumblebees, leave vegetables (particularly overwintering brassicas to flower)  allow dandelions to flower before mowing lawns.
  • And finally enjoy bees!


For more information check out the following pollinator website.






14 thoughts on “World Bee Day

  1. dust4y

    I’m so pleased to see any bee activity – no more so than in your special pictures. Have left some blue flowers (will send photo) to grow at will in the garden as the bees love it. Still trying to make sure my flowers provide food thro’ the seasons. An important day indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amy Pantone

    I love our bee population, they seem to know we have a natural mostly untouched habitat available for them and they leave us alone. Sometimes buzzing near us but otherwise flying on their merry way. I planted some pollinator plants this year just to help them along.

    Liked by 1 person


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