July Garden

This week’s rain has confined me mostly to the greenhouse and polytunnel, both of which needed attention anyhow! Yesterday I cleared out the last of the mangetout plants (the outside ones are now cropping). We’ve been enjoying the Charlotte potatoes, broad-beans and purple kohlrabi all from the tunnel.



In the greenhouse, some of the tomato plants have set their first fruit and there are a couple of tiny cucumbers too, though the plants are still small. The purple dwarf beans have cropped quite well and the courgette plant is looking great. I need to take it out as it’s taking up too much room and I have more plants outside (looking very small and miserable) and one in the polytunnel. As it’s cropping very well I’m going to leave it as long as I can. So for now I’m removing some of the leaves.

Today, it had stopped raining so I had a chance to do some weeding in the vegetable plot. I am leaving the strawberry bed (it’s full of weeds), as the damp weather has resulted in lots of slug damage and those the slugs aren’t eating the birds are. My plan for next year is to put the strawberries in pots in the blueberry fruit cage.

Today, my son did manage to find a few nice ones. He decided he was going to eat a lunch that he himself picked. This was the result. (He did take my offer of a freshly cooked pancake too!)

My son's lunch plate

My son’s lunch plate

Yes, we have some nice black and red currants ripening. They are one of our most reliable fruits. The green bean like pods are actually the seed pods of some of my brassicas. I leave some plants to get seed for next year but the kids and I find them quite tasty too.




20 thoughts on “July Garden

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      Yes, we’d be lost without the polytunnel and greenhouse. They make huge difference to production in our relatively cool climate.


  1. Lena

    I don’t think I have ever sen purple kohlrabi before, is the tast similar to the usual? So sad with the strawberries. I hope you have better luck in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jane

    What wonderful pictures and how productive you are. Didn’t know you could eat the seed pods of brassicas. 3 cheers for sweetiepie eating all his own selected produce.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      Thank you. Your strawberries look lovey on your post. I do have the little alpine ones in pots in the greenhouse but definitely doing it for big ones next year – it has obviously worked well for you. The purple beans are in the greenhouse – where it is a bit warmer than tunnel.


  3. Lori Fontanes

    All looks so good! I’ve become a big fan of kohlrabi this year, too. We’ve eaten all of ours, tho. Time to take a brassica break until the fall season (too hot & humid now). Enjoy your harvest!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. aranislandgirl

    Lovely purple beans. I made the mistake of putting all beans outside and am having a poor crop/none for the freezer. The same with the courgettes in the tunnel and outside, am also cutting off leaves in the tunnel while praying over the outside ones which have very little fruit thus far. Fingers crossed for August! Your sons meal looks very tasty šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      Same here Melissa. Have just put some more beans in tunnel as don’t think outside ones will come to anything! Such a poor gardening year:(

      Liked by 1 person

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