Six on Saturday – Spring is coming

One of the things that makes me really happy is the coming of spring.

A sure sign of spring is the arrival of frogs in the garden pond. They usually arrive around St Valentine’s Day and sure enough that is when the first ones appeared. Yesterday’s count was about 100!

At this point we also have the first spawn.

Thirdly this week are the crocuses. Despite all the rain they are coming through.

Flowers are just such bundles of joy. Here mini daffodils also coming out.

Even the first leaves are emerging – here some native honeysuckle and a great tit. The bird song is another sure sign of spring.

It is very wet though. We have had constant rain and everything is muddy. Garden jobs are well behind as it is just to wet too work the soil.

Thanks to The Propagator for hosting Six on Saturday and Sheetal for hosting last weeks lens artist challenge – Glimpse into your world.

35 thoughts on “Six on Saturday – Spring is coming

  1. bushboy

    Love love love My Crocus are pink and I would love purple, never seen before. Bird song frog song is just the best. I spent some time tonight recording frogs on an App for the Australian Museum so they can document where frogs are, their increase or decline.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. bushboy

        I did get a good recording as they were so loud last night. I have seven species of frogs in my dam that have been recorded over the years. Last night as I was almost to the door, I heard a Pobblebonk start up but just added that into the notes 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Tina Schell

    The thing that struck me this week MM is that although our worlds are quite distant from each other, I could have used your description of the coming of spring to describe our world here as well. It’s been quite rainy (unusually so for us) but flowers are beginning to bud and more birds are about. Loved your images and your description, Happy Almost Spring to you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      Thank you Tina. I think we often have more in common with others than we realise. And if we were more aware of it everyone would get on a bit better🙂


  3. Heyjude

    And what a wonderful world you live in MM. As for the frogs, that seems an awful lot, where do they go to? I know nothing about the lifetime of a frog other than the frogspawn which turns into tadpoles that become frogs.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      We actually had more frogs last year. We often wonder how far they come. But we see frogs throughout the year in the veg garden, in the meadow areas and in the flower areas. We have also a couple of hedges where I am sure they hang out too. Will probably do another froggy post as I took lots of photos today🐸

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Leya

    So lovely – frogsong I don’t have so close to my house, but the other things…It is warming up here now, and we are above zero. No flowers yet. Thank you for sending some spring feeling!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. janesmudgeegarden

    It’s all happening in your meadow! So much to look forward to. A hundred frogs, and more to come – you are providing a wonderful environment for them.

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