Intimate details

There is nothing I like better than getting a good close up of a flower, bee or butterfly. I am fascinated by seeing the intimate structure of living things.

Flowers are great – they don’t move about (except in the wind) and you can usually get a good look at them, even without a still photograph.

Insects are a different matter though. A lot of my pictures end up blurry and not very sharp – or with half a bee as it takes off before the shutter has clicked fully. But when you do get that good close up – the detail can be amazing. I  also find it a very useful tool when trying to identify a species I am not familiar with.

This post was inspired by this week’s photo challenge – Detail

29 thoughts on “Intimate details

      1. bettylouise31

        One of our Master Gardener’s speakers said “he felt God had a purpose for every creature on earth except fleas”. I can think of a reason f poo r fleas. They fed on mammals and passed disease to other mammals.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Murtagh's Meadow Post author

      There is lots out at the moment. This year we have more in our meadow than before but still less than ten altogether:)


  1. Pingback: Details (Flowers) | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Jane

    Yes – clever peacock butterfly with its eyes. Read recently of somewhere in Africa where they were painting big eyes on the rumps of cattle to deter the lions. And it works!

    Liked by 1 person


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