Swinford Agricultural Show

Agricultural shows are part and parcel of rural Irish life during the summer months. Many large towns in County Mayo have their own show, the better known ones are the Bonniconlon Show and the Ballina Show. This year we went to the Swinford Show. Despite being August it was a cool blustery day.

Agricultural shows are of course great places to see all kinds of tractors – a great attraction for our seven year old!

It was fascinating watching the cows and bulls being washed, shampooed and groomed. People obviously take this very seriously and the animals must look their very best.

Horses, sheep, and goats were all on show and hoping for best in show in their particular category. There was poultry too – many were kept in cages so not good for taking photographs but again some amazing and strange looking creatures.

There are two sides to each show. It is not just the cows and sheep that get prizes. But also the best cake and jam makers too. We did not have time to wait for the marquee area to be opened to the general public. While we were there the judges were hard at work judging the best jams, breads, scones, and fruit tarts, not to mention the best flower arrangements and best vegetables.

A great day out for all the family.



10 thoughts on “Swinford Agricultural Show

  1. Eliza Waters

    I haven’t been to a fair in ages, but your post makes me want to go. I always loved the smaller ones, more rural and folksy. I love going through the animal sheds, seeing the various breeds, and the exhibits of crafts and food. Always fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jane

    How fascinating to see the cows being coiffeured so to speak. Did they mind? What a lovely day. The Plough Race days at Wimpole are always good though I haven’t been for ages. Must return.

    Liked by 1 person


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